Talba ta’ Interess | Call for expressions of interest

Data: 14 ta’ April 2020

L-Għaqda Każin Banda San Filep qed tfittex entitajiet/għaqdiet li jistgħu jipprovdu servizz għax-xogħlijiet li ġejjin. L-entitajiet interessati għandhom jibagħtu l-istima tas-serizz tagħhom fuq info@bandasanfilep.com, u għandhom juru l-prezzijiet tax-xogħlijiet li qegħdin fil-lista t’hawn taħt:

– Truss system
Għandna bżonn Truss System tal-aliminju professjonali, b’dawn l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet:

  • 14x Straight 4-point truss 3m
  • 2x Straight 4-point truss 2.5m
  • 11x Straight 4-point truss 2m
  • 4x Straight 4-point truss 0.75m
  • 4x 3 Way Corner
  • 4x 2 Way Corner
  • 6x 3 Way T-Piece
  • 10x C-Clamps

L-istima għal dawn l-oġġetti t’hawn fuq għandha tinkludi wkoll il-prezz tal-kunsinna u tal-installazzjoni, u mill-inqas sentejn garanzija.

– Sistema tal-Arja Kkundizzjonata (AC)
Se ninstallaw 4 units, li jinkludu dawn l-aċċessorji:

  • 2x 28KW Floor Ceiling unit
  • 2x 14KW Floor Ceiling unit
  • 1x Outdoor 55kw Modular O/D
  • 1x Outdoor 28KW Modular O/D

L-istima għandha tinkludi insulated copper, armoured 5-core electrical cable, drain pipe, branch pipes u kull tagħmir ieħor meħtieg għall-installazzjoni. Għanda tinkludi wkoll il-prezz tal-installazzjoni u tal-kunsinna.

Kull min hu interessat huwa mħeġġeġ li jibgħat l-email sat-30 ta’ April, 2021. Għal kwalunke kjarifika, ikkuntattjawna fuq info@bandasanfilep.com.

Date: 14th April 2020

The St Philip’s Band Club is looking for interested parties which can provide/render service to the following works. The interested parties should submit their interest by submitting a quotation on info@bandasanfilep.com, clearly showing the itemised costs of the works documented hereunder:

– Truss System
We are looking to have a professional aluminium-based truss system with the following specifications:

  • 14x Straight 4-point truss 3m
  • 2x Straight 4-point truss 2.5m
  • 11x Straight 4-point truss 2m
  • 4x Straight 4-point truss 0.75m
  • 4x 3 Way Corner
  • 4x 2 Way Corner
  • 6x 3 Way T-Piece
  • 10x C-Clamps

Quotation for the above items should include delivery and installation cost, including at least 2 years warranty.

– Airconditioning System
We are looking to install 4x airconditioning units, including accessories, as shown hereunder:

  • 2x 28KW Floor Ceiling unit
  • 2x 14KW Floor Ceiling unit
  • 1x Outdoor 55kw Modular O/D
  • 1x Outdoor 28KW Modular O/D

Quotation should include insulated copper, armoured 5-core electrical cable, drain pipe, branch pipes, and all the other equipment needed for the installation, which should should include delivery and installation.

All interested parties are encouraged to submit their interest prior the deadline set, which is the 30th of April 2020. For any clarification, please write to us on info@bandasanfilep.com.

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